Will we meet you at the following events?
Nationale Bunkerdag 3th june 2023
Come and admire the Flak 38 2CM we found at Stichting bunkerbehoud Dordrecht.
Location: Netherlands

Open monumentsday 09th - 10th September
Visit WWII bunkers and Forts
Location: Netherlands

Renkum Airborne 2022 16th - 17th September ✔
Come and visite Renkum Airborne 2022 - Operation market garden - Able companie Rotterdam
Tholen Sterk 8th - 11th June ✔
KTR The Able compagnie Rotterdam
Location: Tholen Harbor
Bunkerdag 28th may 2022 ✔
Stichting bunkerbehoud Dordrecht
Liberation day Brielle 5th may 2022 ✔
KTR The Able compagnie Rotterdam